Sunday 14 October 2012

COMPUTER TIPS AND TRICKS- How to Remove Shortcut Virus

       I just want to share about how to remove shortcut viruses in your removable disk, like pendrive. A lot of people faced the problem that their removable disk is infected with annoying shortcut viruses. Some of them may choose the option to buy a new pendrive and throw away the infected one. Relax! There are some solution that could be made just to eliminate these viruses. Actually, shortcut viruses is not so maligned. It can be repaired with some skills, and I am here today to teach on that skills. 
1. First of all, go to the start menu, and type cmd. Then, click on the cmd.
2. Next, the following command should be typed. ( attrib -h -r -s/s/d f:\*.* ). After that, hit enter.
3. Wait for a little while for the windows path is coming.
4. After that, open your removable disk. You can see that the shortcut virus folder have been restored to the original folder.
5. Select all the shortcut folder and delete it. Now, problem solved.

       These solutions are for the removable disk such as pendrive or external hard disk. If your hard drive have been infected, you just have to be very diligent to scan your hard drive with your antivirus software. Some recommended software are the KASPERSKY. How about if you don;t have any antivirus? Well, it is easy. Go to the start menu, and type MICROSOFT DEFENDER. When you click that icon, it will automatically scan your hard drive.

Saturday 13 October 2012


      Good Morning! :) It's great to start your day with a smile. This is because it could light up your days. Let all the positive vibes running through all your veins so that you will be energized to do things or activities that you wanted to do today. It's Saturday morning! For those who have families, they might want to treat their family to some trips, say, beaches or any water theme park. I can say today is a lovely day. Why don't you bring your family out to some picnic and have fun with the kids? After all, it only cost you a time but return you a lot of values. Release all the stresses from work and have an enjoyable moment with your families, friends or loved ones. To someone who has their special ones, they might want to spend up their time by watching movies. Oh! I realize myself, that I haven't watch some movies too. I wish I could spend my time with my friends, but as a student, we are busying ourselves with assignments and projects that need to be done. However, I also want to spend my time with some enjoyable activities so that I wouldn't be too depressed. There's some graduation day at my universities, and all I want to do is enjoy all the delicious delicacies, taking a lot of pictures and doing all the crazy things that me and my friends could think of. I'm sure it will be fun then.
       Well, I know that my topic would be smile today. I woke up this morning, realizing that I am still alive. I should thank God for giving me such a wonderful day. As a tips to God, I want to give my bestest smile which could bring happiness, not also to me, but to all the people surrounding me. Too bad that I am not besides my family to enjoy this day. I am studying abroad but it does not matter. I bet my parents would ask my other siblings to do the house chores in the morning, and then they would spend their times together after doing the chores. Reading a book would be preferable in my family as we are books fanatic. After all, I'll be missing them, but I know they are doing fine. I couldn't wait to go back this Christmas holidays, where we would gather as a whole family. I miss chit chatting with them. Well, enough with my families! Whatever it is, remember to smile. It's the most pleasant gift that you could give to anyone, but the impact would last long. Smile makes you beautiful, especially for the girls. Guys would look for you the second time when they see your smiles. Who knows, maybe you would find your Mr Right when you give your smile to strangers. And guys, you're just getting cuter and sexier when you give the girls your dazzling smile. But, don't overdo it. Unless you want to end up being called as psychotic. Hahaha. Whatever the reason is, smile to the world. Show who you are, and unleashed your beauties through smiles. :) Happy Saturday!

Tuesday 9 October 2012

CONT: Life Must Go On

       I think I have made my own decision. I know it is still painful to think all that matters me, but I know I just have to continue living happily. It is not the past that I should concern. Living there would only makes me  get stuck on the things I should't get more exited about. I should think of my future. Well, raise up your chin and smile to the world. Even if the world is against me, I know I can grasp it one day and become the champion in my life. What has happen, let it be. The future is excited to wait for me and wants me to think more of it. That event occured to me would be my life experience to strengthen me in every way. It makes me matured to think of a solutions to my own problems. I think I should leave the matters now. Let it buried away from me and I will take a deep breath so that I will forget abut it, but keep on smiling as there are better option in my life. Yes! Life must go on.. :)

Monday 8 October 2012

Life Must Go On..

     Have you been very cautious on something, and then realize that with very extra careful, would led to the TRUTH. I mean, THE WHOLE TRUTH! Well, I got that. I don't want to mention it about what. It just makes me feel dizzy when thinking about it. The more I imagine about it, my heart ache even more. I tried to get rid of it out of my mind. I don't want this thing to bother me, and make me lose control of everything. Actually I don't give a damn on it, but seeing that person is promising you with lots of trust. Well, hello! This is the world. Welcome to THE WORLD. I learn not to really put trust on a person. Even when you love them with your whole heart. Luckily I am good at finding information. I know I am being cheated on, so that is why I am using my precious organ, which is Mr Brain, to pull all the information to me. All the things I gather, I put all the pieces together, and then... TADAA! I am into a damnation. The truth that I know is not what I really expected. I could have been very irrational, not to think of others and take a decision that, to change the way of my life. But, I know that I should choose to be calm. That is the first thing to do. And then, take a deep breath and start thinking. Even when I am thinking, I know that I might cry(which what I am doing). Just let all the tears go. After that, if you feel good about it, then think of a solutions. I know there are certain people who could not think very wisely after knowing the ugliest truth, but to me, I like to torture my brain to think a solutions for my problem.
     It's not really a big thing actually. But when you think of it over and over again, you became worried. You lost all your consciousness to think straight. I thought of going a different process of life, like moving on. However, both parties would be very affected. And heart would just know when the right thing is in front of your eyes. That is only when you look with the eye of the heart. For all this years, all of my friends thought that I am a happy girl. After all, I tried to hide my sadness with my smiles. The thing is, I couldn't tell everything. I am not the one who comes to my best friend's side and tell all the heart out. Seeing my best friends, is the remedy to all my sadness. It gives me point, when they are happy and having fun with me. That is why everyone thought that I am a happy-go-lucky girl. I didn't know the life that I led right now, would be like this. Of course. It's called the future. And times to come, there might be a lot of unfortunate events happening to me. That is life. Always torturing the being. Let all of this thing is gone. I don't want to talk or mention or even think about it. What I want to be is the happiest girl without the fake smiles. I want to put everybody in a happy states, so that this world would be filled with happy faces. Isn't it fun when mingling with happy people? Well, think about it...

Sunday 7 October 2012


     It has been a long time since I didn't write anything in here. I missed the day where I would be sitting and typing whatever comes into my mind. Things have not been very well on me. I couldn't post anything because  my laptop is broken down. For almost half a year, I live without my laptop, which I take it my most valuable thing in life. How hard it is when my laptop is gone is just like when you are recovering from a very tremendous break up with someone you loved. Anyway, I don't want to tell all about my laptop here. It is a sad story for me.. Sort of.. Haha! Well, I would be back again posting or writing or typing or whatever you call it in this blog again. I miss to do that. It's just like telling everyone your most exciting things which has happen to you.