Thursday 8 March 2012


     Today's class is about being an entrepreneur. Our lecturer is showing us who is the top 10 most successful entrepreneur. Since I am not really interested in doing business, but seeing the money that they have is what makes me WOWED ! I love money. But I am only interested in having a lots of money just to do charities. There was once my dream of having a beautiful house, a lot of lands, and cars. I also want to build a hotel under my name. But that was all childish wish that I dreamt of. One thing that remain in me when I had zillions of money is I want to build a school for the unfortunate children all around the world. Of course, I wanted to started this with my own place, Sabah, since Sabah's rating for poverty is the highest in Malaysia. Seeing children who does not exposed to education is a shame especially towards our changing world. We have been more advanced and this world would make another step to be the most high-tech thing.
     Anyway, stop about making the school for now, I don't even want to think about it, since I don't have any money at all. But, what surprises me is my changing point of view about entrepreneurship. There's nothing wrong about businesses. Even Bill Gates is doing businesses and same as J.K Rowling. I am sorry for having a shallow mind about business, and know I know a little about business. Maybe I don't get the idea of business because I am afraid to try it or having a risk on it? Who knows...
     Right now, I am thinking about having a business, but I just don't know where to start. Maybe I should employed as a software tester in Microsoft? Ha..ha..ha.. It just occured in my dream. I am just a simple programmer. My skills still need to be honed so that one day I could be useful in the job market. Well, let the thought of BUSINESS out off my mind.
     Next is our cognition and learning classes. Being in this class is sure fun, because I know how people learn and how they processed the learning. Learning might have a different definition on different individuals, but to me, learning is skills or knowledge that we acquired through experience or any sort of exposure. Today's cognition and learning, we learn how people can forget things and how to remember things that we forget. before I explain more, we comes back with the thing that is LTM or Long Term Memory. LTM has to types which is declarative and procedural. Under this, we tend to forget things not because we has loss of memory, but we has no access towards the memory we want to remember. Forgetting is about the interference in our memory. A lot of things can be done to improve this, which is sleep well, eat a balanced diet and have fun with your studies by doing it interactively, so to speak.
     I think that is all now. I hope I could be millionaire. This is the only thing in my mind right now, but people's dream can change from time to time according to exposure or the environment. Let's hope my love towards money would diminished or else, you might see me the next top 10 billionaires in the world.. :)

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