Tuesday 22 May 2012

food again!

Last sunday, I went out with my friends. As we are all hungry at that time, we stop by a chinese restaurant and ordered our respective foods. I have been coveted to eat this laksa sarawak for a very long time, although I do have eaten it, it just doesn't satisfy me. I thought this laksa sarawak here might disappoint me, however as I sip down its soup, the taste was really fantastic and different. I start to love it. Seeing it has a lot of prawn inside the laksa sarawak, it makes me a little bit sad. This is because, I am allergic to it! But, I don't care at all. I know I should enjoy my food. So, I eat it innocently. The taste is really gonna stay in my mind!  I can't describe how delicious the laksa was. Then it comes that my whole body start to feel strange. It started out at my nose where it became completely red as I scratch it. I didn't realize that my allergic would react that fast. So, on the end, I have to give my remaining prawn to my friends and I just have to eat the laksa plainly with only soup and a little chunk of chicken meat and tofu. It still the best laksa though, but I wish I didn't have this allergic so that I could enjoy all my food one day.

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