Saturday 28 April 2012

Beautiful scene

This nice picture was taken when me and my classmates are having a last party before our matriculation ended. It was a very fun and memorable day. To add with this picture, it reminds me how beautiful our memories are mold together within us for almost a year we are together. It reminds me back that how awkward we are when we first met. In a short time, we have made our friendship and it becomes stronger as the days passes. Me and my classmates have build a strong bonds between us that it seems we are a big family. Together we face the same hardships, like been scolded by lecturers, share our thoughts and feelings, celebrating each others birthdays and often jokes and made fun of each others. I wish we are always together, but now we have been separated by different universities that we went. I wish upon the sky that may our dreams would come true and may we reunite again one day.

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